Our Values

Amanda Stinnett, pc'20

“The values that resonates to me the most is loyalty and character development. Alpha Phi has shown me that loyalty should never be asked but provided. It has also pushed me to strengthen my loyalty to others around me. Through Alpha Phi I have also cherished the process of character development. I have gained so much knowledge and guidance through Alpha Phi, which has directly correlated to my own character development.”

clara showalter, pc'22

"I resonate with character because when I went through recruitment, I could see the difference in the women in Alpha Phi, and their intentions in getting to know me as a person. I could see the authenticity with every girl I met and that display of character was super important to me."

Emma Misko, pc'20

“To me, the value of sisterhood resonates with me the most. I am from the other side of the country and coming to the University of Oregon was such a big step. Alpha Phi is now a second home for me and it is because of my sisters that make it feel like a family. I always can count on any sister to be there for me wether its to drive me to the airport home at 3 in the morning or help me with a class I’m struggling in. No matter what an Alpha Phi will always be by your side to support you.”

Luisa Lofranco, pc'21

“The alpha phi values that resonate with me are character development. Being apart of such an amazing chapter hold us accountable and helps us be more responsible in life. I truly believe that without APHI it would be hard for me to be accountable for school, relationships, and anything in life.”

Megan Kindle, pc'20

"To me, sisterhood is the most important. I believe that being well-connected and finding other girls who make you feel like you're part of a big family is very important. I love knowing I have so many girls in the house I can always count on!"

zoe kanive, pc’22

“The value of generosity is one that has always stuck with me since joining Alpha Phi. I see it in the way that all the women care so deeply about our philanthropy and the genuine want to support our cause. I see it in the way that as a chapter we support and make connections with other chapters. I see it through the simple gestures of a sister asking me how I am doing or taking me out for ice cream after a long week. Generosity is something that is very prevalent in both big and small ways in this chapter.”

kaitlyn henner, pc’20

Innovation is a value that resonates with me because through joining our chapter I have been given to opportunity to take on different leadership roles that I otherwise would not have. Currently, I serve as the Student Wellness Board representative and I get to talk to our chapter about physical and mental wellness, alongside important conversations about sexual violence prevention!”